Larose Forest – Jan 3

Note form Steve (forestry): I groomed the western trails today (not 10-11 or Moose). Conditions are pretty good but the snow didn’t stick to the ice underneath so it is still pretty slick in places. Maybe it will improve over night. I don’t think I will have time to groom…

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Larose Forest – Dec 27

Trails were pretty much the same as yesterday, a bit better with another centimetre of fresh snow. My only update would be the north corner of End Loop is smooth ice which even the dogs slip on, so take particular care there. Dogs loved the cool temperature and easy sliding.

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Larose Forest – Dec 26

Trails today were very hard ice with a light snow covering glued to the surface. Footing is hard and fast, but the dogs had a decent grip. Most corners are fast, but ok for experienced sledders. Several corners are very icy: 4th to Ditches, north back corner of JGL, north…

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Larose Forest – Dec 16

Today’s trails hard and fast, still textured enough to be good footing for the dogs. There was a truck on various trails, but mostly no significant damage done. JGL south entrance has a bit rougher truck tracks; though passable for sleds, not good for skis. Those that went early had…

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Larose Forest – Dec 15

The parking this morning was somewhat icy, but not a skating rink. The western trails were mushy in spots, especially on 1st, but not as bad as expected considering the weather we have had. JGL, End Loop, Malamute Loop and Conc 11 were in pretty good shape. Very pretty in…

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Larose Forest – Dec 14

The trails are somewhat mushy but ok as of 6 pm. The daring might find it ok to practice tomorrow. Depending on the overnight temperature, by morning we may have mushy, hard and somewhat icy or crusty surface with softer underlay. The parking lot very likely be icy, so please use…

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Poker Run Update

Poker Run Saturday 9:30 registration – Though the Friday forecast is less than stellar, we think the freshly groomed trails will hold for the Poker Run on Saturday morning. Registration at 9:30. Please check back before leaving home, as the weather is pretty marginal, so we may have to make last…

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