Larose – Feb 9

David cleaned out the bush stumps on Swamp trail, and cut down the scrub on Gun Club extension, so both those trails are in better shape for running now. Gun Club and Tower Loop were really nice today! Note: snowmobiles are now out on their trails, so keep your eyes…

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Larose – Feb 8

Western trails and Moose are groomed. Update – eastern trails are all groomed. Avoid Swamp trail, there are small brush stumps coming through the snow which are hazardous to the dog’s paws. Assuming David’s back is up to it, we hope to try to fix that on Sunday.

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Jan 26 – Larose

Western trails were hard and fast with a light dusting of fresh snow on top. Ideal running for small teams. Skijorers seemed to find them good today as well. Malamute Loop and ByPass are still not recommended for skijor (not enough snow). Eastern trails still need more snow to be…

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Larose – Jan11

From Jenny-Lee: Just a note that we had a encounter in Tower Loop with someone walking with 2 loose dogs. One dog was named Shelby from what i heard her say. My guys went on by but had to stop as one of her dogs lunged at my young one…

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Larose – Jan 5

Trails were surprisingly good today. Hard base, if thin, with just enough fresh snow on top to make the footing safe and cornering easy. Footprints and ruts were barely noticeable other than near the parking area, and even there, not a significant hazard. Don’t trust your snow hook, so smaller…

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Larose Jan./03/ 2025

Just an update on the trails. WE ONLY DID THE WESTERN TRAILS. We ran the ski-doo over the trails to try to pack them. The trails are getting hard, but there are lots of foot prints in them to so be careful of your dogs. There are some bare spots…

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Larose – Dec 22

Not enough snow to groom, but Mother Nature did a reasonable job! The trails were pretty good this morning. Hard crust underneath, but a little soft snow stuck to the surface. Concession 11 was super solid, no gravel. Not enough snow for a snow hook, so small teams only (2-4).…

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Larose – Mar 2

I know I’m crazy, but I was out on the trails this morning. The western trails were a mix of hard snow and rough ice, but almost entirely still covered. Lots of small branches and other tree debris. I took 2 dogs for my first team, and certainly recommend small…

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