Weekend Membership 2023-2024

You must be a member of Mush Larose to use the trails with your dog(s) but we understand that for different reasons you may not be interested in purchasing a full season membership so we now offer a one-time use weekend membership. If you are planning to attend and participate in a  Mush Larose event and don’t anticipate using the trails or attending another event during the season this would be the option to choose (note: Annual or Weekend Memberships are required in addition to any race or event fee).

Proof of vaccination will be required with registration. All dogs must be vaccinated for Rabies and Parvo/Distemper, or have a vet certified exception to run on Mush Larose trails, at Mush Larose events or at Mush Larose training days. Please send proof of vaccination documents to sledding@mushlarose.ca.

*PLEASE NOTE* – mushers under the age of 18 are required to complete a waiver that must also be signed by a parent/guardian.

To register your one-time weekend membership

For the 2022/2023 season paper based membership forms and cash/cheque payments will be accepted again, in addition to electronic options.

At Events & By Mail

Please download, complete and print the forms below.

Weekend Membership Form: click here
Under 18 Waiver: click here


You can now register and/or pay online for your Mush Larose Membership

If you have trouble with the online registration contact james@mushlarose.ca.


Personal Information

  • Activity and Interest Profile - Profile d'Interets et Activitees


One Weekend Membership - Adhesion pour une fin de semaine

  • You will be redirected to E-Transfer instructions for payment following submission.

Waiver - Formulaire de désistement

  • By my participation in any Mush Larose event, I agree to be responsible for my conduct and the conduct of my dog(s). Further, I shall not hold the organization, affiliated organizations, members, volunteers, Larose forest staff and/or the County of Prescott-Russell responsible for any injury or damage to myself, my dog(s) or my equipment. I state that my dog(s) is/are in excellent medical health and is/are up to date on their vaccinations. I agree to abide by the rules of the event(s) and agree to follow all COVID related protocols. It is your responsibility to pick up after your dogs and yourself.
  • En participant aux activités de l’Association Mush Larose, je accepte être tenu responsable de mes propres actions tout comme de celles de mon chien ou de mes chiens. De plus, je ne chercherai à imputer aucune responsabilité envers l’organisation de l’association, les organisations affiliées, de ses membres, de ses bénévoles, du personnel de la Forêt Larose ou des Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell, pour toute blessure, dommage ou perte encourus par moi-même, mon chien ou mes chiens ou à mon équipement. J’affirme que mon chien ou mes chiens sont en excellente santé et que son ou leur inoculations est à jour. J’accepte d’observer les règlements en cours à chaque événement et acceptez de suivre tous les protocoles liés au COVID. Vous êtes responsable de nettoyer vos déchets et ceux laissés par votre chien.
  • *Chaque membre doit approuver aux termes de desistement et signer*
  • If applicable, your parent/guardian's consent and signature is required below acknowledging the waiver described above. / Le cas échéant, le consentement et la signature de votre parent/tuteur sont requis ci-dessous, reconnaissant la renonciation décrite ci-dessus.


You will be redirected for payment instructions after submitting the form.

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