Larose – Feb 17
All trails are groomed. Although the base is thin, the trails are pretty much perfect. Solid underneath with a soft top great for cornering.
All trails are groomed. Although the base is thin, the trails are pretty much perfect. Solid underneath with a soft top great for cornering.
Please stay off the trails today. We want to keep them in good shape for the weekend! Thanks!
Trails are all groomed as wide as I can get it for now. Pray that they will firm up tonight with the deep freeze.
All trails are tire packed. A too soft for the groomer last night. David will try the groomer this afternoon.
Swamp and Moose are groomed. They are bumpy but rideable. All other trails are good. Just watch out for Moose foot prints on Malamute. Pray for snow.
ALL trails are groomed. Except: Moose (because of water) and Gun Club past the Swamp turn-off (again because of water). NOTE: The North side of Gun Club is closed for logging this season. We have a short new trail from the parking area to the ByPass which should allow for…
The gravel mounds have been removed. There was some logging work removing deadfalls. This has been smoothed out, but Big Pine and JGL may be soft over the recent work areas.
Logging activity has begun closing off the east part of Tower Loop for our safety. Nick has groomed the trail across the middle of the loop, so that we can still have a 1/2 sized loop for now. When the logging moves into the rest of the loop the trail will be closed…
I am told that there are some heavy ruts on concession 11 from the water main work, but the remainder of the trails are in good shape. – Dana