Sept 17th Larose Forest, P1 Picnic shelter at 9 am
(rain date Sept 18)
Trail maintenance day is almost here. We need to clear trees and cut back bush on our trails to prepare for the fall and winter seasons.
Please bring: your enjoyment of time in the bush, boots, appropriate clothing for hiking in the bush for several hours. Any of the following would be very helpful: trimmers, axe, brush cutters, chainsaw (if you have experience). If you have an ATV, tractor with backhoe or any other high-end equipment that could be useful please include that info in your RSVP so we can plan appropriately.
If you can’t come that day, but would still like to help out, we’d be happy to assign you a task for the day of your choice.
It’s a fun day in the bush reacquainting yourself with your winter buddies and meeting some new ones. Many hands make for light work and great winter trail conditions. I look forward to seeing you there! Free pizza lunch for everyone!
Please R.S.V.P.
Dana Cranstone
President, Mush Larose