Skijoring Demo Saturday February 27th in Jacques Cartier Park

A small group of Mush Larose skijorers, have been invited again to go demo skijoring during the Junior Chelsea Ski Sprints. This year the races are happening in Jacques Cartier Park on the XC ski World Cup sprint track.

We are getting 3 x 20 minutes to skijor around a world class sprint track. How cool is that!

The track is just over 1/2 of a mile. We will go around and run the dogs between the racing heats. The course will also have moguls, weaving poles and a jump. Between the short open course layout, the obstacles and the crowds the dogs will be well challenged.

This is a very exciting opportunity to give some visibility to Skijoring!
If anyone is around, drop by come say hello.

If you are interested by skijoring, come ask us questions, we love talking about the sport and the dogs.

Our hosts:
Huge Thanks to Chelsea Nordic

15:00Qualification round
16:15Break – Skijoring
16:35Round 1 Heats
17:15Break – Skijoring
17:35Roud 2 Heats
18:15Break – Skijoring
18:35Roud 3 Heats
19:15Break – Skijoring
19:30Music, Awards, Food
21:00End of Event

map ski

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