Forestry says the Larose Forest trails remain open for individual dog sledding and skijor despite the Stay at Home order. Ontario is still listing dog sledding as an acceptable activity as long as the facility remains open. We will keep you posted on any developments as they arise. The club advises that you consider COVID guidelines before touching another person’s team. Remember to sanitize before and after contacting surfaces that others may have touched. Please wear a mask if you are helping another team, and consider keeping a mask on while in the parking area. Remind people who may want to pet the dogs, that regrettably, with COVID, that is not a good idea. They really aren’t sure how much worse these new variants are, so please play it safe.
All scheduled events including training days are currently postponed. For future updates please regularly visit our COVID-19 Policy Statement page.
Please bring any concerns or questions to the attention of a Mush Larose executive member or email