Skate Skiing Classes (for skijorers)

Skate Skiing Fundamentals:

Mush Larose skijor racers would like to know if any Mush Larose members would be interested in a skate skiing fundamentals session. This session will be targeted at people who are interested in skijoring, but have never tried skate skiing or are just learning to skate ski and would like to learn the basics of the one-skate, two-skate and offset techniques and a few beginner drills. This session would likely be held at the Mooney’s Bay ski centre and participants who don’t yet own their own skate ski equipment, but want to give it a try, could rent equipment at the centre. This session will be lead by Mush Larose skijor racers and the only cost would be a day pass for the centre (approximately $3.00) and, if necessary, the cost of renting equipment. Participants will be responsible for purchasing their own day pass and organizing their own equipment rentals.

Skate Skiing Intermediate Training:

Mush Larose skijor racers would be willing to arrange to have a local cross country skiing coach provide a training session for beginner / intermediate level skate skiers to learn drills to improve your technique. The cost to participate will depend upon the rate charged by the coach and the number of participants. The details, including cost and location, will be worked out when we know there’s enough interest. Participants would be responsible for providing their own equipment.

These training sessions will be focused on skiing only and would not include dogs. If you are interested, send an email to by December 31 and indicate which session you would like to participate in.

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