I regret to inform you that Mr. Weather has not been cooperative for our dryland race tomorrow, so the race will be postponed until Sunday, December 6th, 2020.
Different day, same time, same events, same place… weather permitting!
Please take a look at the People on Site and Race Order/Timing lists that were sent out to all participants and volunteers via e-mail. We can keep these same arrangements, but if you cannot make it then please let us know by emailing dryland2@mushlarose.ca. If you can no longer attend and have already paid your race fees and/or purchased a weekend membership specifically for the event please contact treasurer@mushlarose.ca to make arrangements for a refund.
Note: You do not need to re-register for the event, however if you were not able to attend on the original date and would like to participate on December 6th, you can now register here: https://mushlarose.ca/event-registration/ – registration will close on December 2nd at midnight (eastern time).
Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm and patience, and hopefully we can have this race happen next weekend!
Shauna Baillie
Race Organizer